When I was trying to decide what to get my girls as a thank you for being a part of my day, I knew I wanted something that would be personal and functional. So I ended up putting together my own personalized box of goodies for each of them!
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To personalize the boxes I used
- A pack of small wooden hearts
- A spool of wide ribbon
- A spool of lace
- A spool of small ribbon
- Scrapbook paper
- A Hot Glue Gun
- Mod Podge
First I measured the box lid and marked the center (because I’m particular like that) then I wrapped the burlap around the lid and hot glued it in place. I layered the lace on top of the burlap and secured it with hot glue, but use hot glue sparingly on this part because it will seep through the lace and make a mess if you use too much.
Trace the heart onto the back of the scrapbook paper, cut it out, and use a thin spread of Mod Podge to secure into place. Once the Mod Podge has dried write the initials of each bridesmaid onto the scrapbook paper. Secure the heart to the burlap and add a decorative bow.
When deciding what to put in the boxes I knew I wanted a robe for them to wear during prep the morning of, I wanted to buy the jewelry I expected them to wear, and on a more personal level I wanted to make mini albums of all the memories that make them so dear to me.
I bought the robes from Pretty Plum Sugar, they do offer mix and match robe sets that are perfect for your bridal party (and you)! They were gorgeous and I still use mine to this day.

My Pretty Plum Sugar robe!
I bought the necklace and earrings off of Etsy.
I bought the photo albums from Hobby Lobby and stenciled on each bridesmaid’s name, then printed out photos of all my favorite memories with each of them.
All in all I felt they turned out pretty adorable and my bridesmaid’s loved them!