How To Pick Ripe Tomatillos


Picture of ripe tomatillos with text overlay


From salsa verde to delicious enchilada sauces, tomatillos are a staple found in many Tex Mex and Mexican dishes, however very few Americans know much about them at all!

Tomatillos are a green firmer, tangier cousin of the much more common tomato and while personally it isn’t my favorite way to eat them it is completely safe to wash them off and eat them raw.

If you have trouble finding tomatillos at your local grocery store, look for stores that carry a large variety of Latino – American foods. I live in Texas so tomatillos are extremely easy to find everywhere from Winco to Fiesta Mart.


Image of tomatillos with text overlay.


How To Pick Ripe Tomatillos 


  • The Husk should be a vivid green and still be wrapped tightly around the fruit. If the husk is yellowing or dry there is a good chance the tomatillo is passed its prime.


  • If the Husk is loose take a peak at the fruit inside. It should be a very bright green, plump, and unblemished. If it looks dried out, is discolored, or has scarring place it back in the bin. 


  • Smaller Tomatillos are typically sweeter and may be more ripe


  • The tomatillo should be firm to the touch. Just like it’s cousin the tomato, a tomatillo that s too soft is on its way out, if anything you want your tomatillos to be slightly more firm than a ripe tomato. 


Picture of two tomatillos with text overlay.


Once you have the Tomatillos Home 


Once home don’t remove the tomatillos’ husks until you are ready to prepare them or freeze them.

You can store the tomatillos in a non- airtight container for around 1-2 weeks on the counter and slightly longer in the fridge. If you need to store the tomatillos longer, husk the tomatillos, rinse them, and freeze them in a freezer safe bag, just be sure to use them in the next 6 months.

When you are ready use them in a delicious tomatillo enchilada sauce, make salsa verde, throw them in the crockpot with chicken, or blend them up with some Prickly Pair margarita mix and ice!







Ripe tomatillos on a rustic wood background with a text overlay.



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