The Best Facebook Groups for Mom Bloggers

The best blogging advice is a few clicks away with these 5 amazing blogging groups! #blog


If one thing has made this blogging journey a bit easier and more enjoyable it is the support I’ve found in the blogging community. There are Facebook groups for EVERYTHING, some focus solely on Pinterest strategies and sharing while others are support forums where you can ask questions as you hit bumps along the crazy blogging road.

If you are a mom blogger here are the 5 Facebook groups you NEED to join!


Boss Girl Bloggers


This was the FIRST Facebook blogging community I joined and it has been invaluable in my blogging journey. EllDuclos really knows her stuff, and with over 31,000 members it is more than evident that plenty of others agree! With so many experienced bloggers in the mix, this is one of the few groups where you can “soak up the knowledge” from bloggers who have been where you are now and are already where you want to be!

This group does allow questions, although sometimes there is a bit of a lag in approval due to how large the group is and how many post approval requests she receives daily. There are also occasional social share, social follow, blog post share, and feedback threads which can help you connect with other AMAZING bloggers!


Pinterest Pals


Run by the Pinterest savvy Amber Temerity, this group focuses on ONE very important piece of your blogging promotion strategy: Pinterest!

It is one of the only groups with DAILY Pin share threads and you can pick from all the pins shared in that thread to repin the specified number (normally 6). This is really important because, unlike with share for share threads, you can guarantee you are only repining content that is relevant to YOUR audience and that your content is being shared with those who are likely to engage with it.


Looking to grow your blog? These free blogging groups have all the answers you need! #blogging



Mom to Mompreneur


Hosted by the amazing Elna Cain, AKA TwinsMommy, this is a great group for when you need support on your blogging journey! This is one of the most responsive groups when it comes to any question or needing advice, and post approval times have always been fairly quick in my experience!

On Tuesday, there is a Promo Day for you to share your latest and greatest and Thursday is Collab Day so you can network with your fellow Mompreneurs.


Pinterest Ninjas


Run by Megan Johnson, the REAL Pinterest Ninja, this group is all about boosting your Pins and social accounts! There are weekly promo threads for Requests, Posts, and Repins and questions are always welcome!

One of the biggest things I have gotten out of this group is easily finding new niche specific group boards that are accepting collaborators (because hunting them down on Pinterest is pretty hit or miss). Also I know I can get great advice from wonderful bloggers anytime I have a question!


New to blogging? These 5 facebook groups are the best of the best! #mompreneur


Blogging Like We Mean It


I saved my FAVORITE group for last! This group is run by Carly Campbell,  THE Mommy on Purpose, and is a wealth of knowledge!

Need to know how to fix your most recent technical hiccup? There’s advice for that!

Wondering if the course you are looking at is worth the money? There’s advice on that too!

Pretty much ANY question you can think of has been asked in this amazing resource group, and if you ask your own questions you may get the advice of some REAL blogging role models.  This is the group I practically live in, so if you join you will undoubtedly see me there!

Hopefully these groups will become indispensable tools in your blogging journey (I know they have been to me)! If I missed any of your FAVORITE Facebook Groups please let me know!


The best blogging advice is a few clicks away with these 5 amazing blogging groups! #blog



2 comments on “The Best Facebook Groups for Mom Bloggers

    • So glad it helped you and I wish you all the best on your blogging journey, it can be lots of fun, kind of crazy, and a little overwhelming for sure!

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