There are so many things I love about Maui that it would be hard to even begin to list them all. I’ve been lucky enough to make the trip to this tropical paradise a few times, I have snorkeled with sea turtles with whale songs humming in the background, I have gazed at […]
Category Archives: Life
Ultimate Weekend Guide To San Antonio
Living in Texas, whenever we need a weekend away San Antonio is our go to destination. It’s drivable, there are things to do, and of course there is great food! I’ve been there with the whole family and I’ve also been there for a weekend away with just the hubs, and if I’ve learned […]
The Coolest Feature I Never Knew My iPhone Had
This actually isn’t the post I planned on writing tonight, but while looking through my phone photo albums for a travel post I accidentally stumbled across this absolutely awesome iPhone feature! So with mother’s day fast approaching, I thought I would share what I found since it is virtually guaranteed to make the moms […]
A Guide to a Successful Spring Cleaning Garage Sale
It’s that time of year again. The birds are singing, the bees are a buzzing, flowers are blooming, and mothers are tackling the feat of spring cleaning. In my house, at this time of year, some of the most used phrases are: “How did we get SO much stuff” “Where did this come from”” […]
5 Plus-Size Sites You Should Be Shopping At
Few things scare those of us with a few extra pounds more than shopping. Between hunting for our size on the rack, trying to figure out each brand’s individual sizing chart, and god forbid wanting to find cute, stylish, or dare I say even trendy clothing in our size it often feels impossible. […]
Lost Pines: A Gem in Hill Country
I’m not sure how many of you live in Texas, but spring is my favorite time of year. It’s a brief ray of sunshine bookmarked by the yearly ice apocalypse and summer’s hundred degree temps. Sure there are random hail storms, tornado scares, and you never know how to dress with a 30 degree […]
Quiche Made Easy
I don’t know about you ladies but I am so over slaving away over hot stoves and ovens ANYTIME we are expecting company. These days I am all about saving time (and what is left of my sanity) by preparing as much as possible days before the actual event. One of my go-to […]
How To Fly Over Eight Hours With an Infant and Not Lose Your Mind
When I found out my family planned on meeting in Hawaii for my son’s first Christmas, I was beyond excited. I was a single mom at the time and I could think of far worse ways to spend my time than listening to waves crash on a not too distant shore. Plus, I couldn’t […]
Crafting on a Budget: How to Cut Your Crafting Expenses in Half
I don’t know about you ladies, but other than truly enjoying crafting one of the reasons I go crazy over DIY is to save money. For enough money you can make your home look however you want, you can have custom blankets sewn and hire an interior decorator to do up your nursery. But […]